An Art Retreat You Wont Want To Miss!
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Believe In Your Beauty
Click Here To Purchase[/caption] In six short weeks I will be packing my bags and heading to Lake Geneva to teach a class at the Creatives Celebrating Sisterhood Art Retreat. If you have never attended an art retreat and are looking for a couple of days away - this is the retreat for you! With several talented teachers, you will immerse yourself in creativity and come home holding the key to your heart's next creative step! This picture, Believe In Your Beauty, is what I will be teaching there. Join me to learn how to create these luscious backgrounds, and to make a reminder for yourself that believing in your inner beauty is something to focus on every day! The first art retreat I attended changed my world. I had never even picked up a paintbrush - but I knew I wanted to try! So I took myself out to the retreat and learned HOW to do all of the lovely things I was drooling over on line and in art magazines. And along the way I collected a tribe of creative sisters who mean the world to me! Here are the details: April 17-19, The Abbey Resort in Lake Geneva, WI, Click Here for pricing details and to register! As an added bonus, Linda Barutha, creator of the retreat, has graciously written this guest post!! Read her unique journey towards developing retreats like this - and join us soon!!
Linda Barutha[/caption]
The energy of a group of like-minded individuals fuels passions and desires that may have been just quietly simmering within us for years.
I think my desire to be with groups started when I was 11 years old and it was a big deal when my mom agreed to let me go on a Girl Scout overnight camping trip. Overnight and alone. Wow. I felt like an explorer or adventurer! Even though I didn’t know any of the other people going on this trip, I thought the whole concept of camping with a large group was so enticing. My intuition served me well because this truly was a trip that left me with lasting impressions.
Once immersed in my camping trip, I was mesmerized by the way everyone worked so well together. It was fascinating to me the way the older girls were empowered to help the younger ones and the whole camp hummed smoothly like a well-oiled machine. Instead of the adults leading and telling everyone what to do or doing it for them, everyone seemed to fall into place and do their part. I didn’t realize it at the time, but they were all following a kaper chart which divides responsibilities evenly for every task that needs to be completed. It was a process, a system, and a recipe for success.
That fascination of teamwork and group achievement has stayed with me well into adulthood. Now, as I pour my passion into running my own creative retreat business Live, Laugh, Love Retreats, LLC, I feel the same satisfaction and empowerment as I did during that overnight camping trip so many years ago. Founded in 2005, Live, Laugh, Love Retreats started as a scrapbooking retreat business. As my artistic experience expanded into mixed media, so have my creative retreats. Again, I am drawn to the energy and passion of women in a group setting whom are learning and growing creatively together.
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Linda's Art[/caption]
But that’s not all. My inner “explorer or adventurer” was called upon again when I saw an incredible opportunity to own my own retail brick-n-mortar store last Fall. Calling upon the many friends I have made at the various retreats or group events for support, I took a leap of faith and started Linnie Blooms Shop & Create. To make it even more fun, I offer art classes to both adults and children, which always brings me back to that feeling of empowerment that I had when I was just 11 years. old.
I firmly believe everyone should seek out peers and mentors to share in what they are truly passionate about. I am living proof as to how these connections with like-minded creatives have given me the strength and confidence to spread my wings and take chances. And it’s these emotions that I try to capture when I create a new piece of artwork. It truly makes me happy when I can share my passion with others and see how it improves their lives too.
What have you done this year to honor your inner creative? Honor your inner “explorer or adventurer?” Is it time to spread your wings and take a chance on something new?
Linda Barutha is mixed media artist and creative retreat organizer. Her business Live*Laugh*Love Retreats brings like-minded artists, crafters and creative together for a weekend of love, laughs, learning, and creative growth. You can find Linda at her Linda Barutha or on Twitter.

Click Here To Purchase[/caption] In six short weeks I will be packing my bags and heading to Lake Geneva to teach a class at the Creatives Celebrating Sisterhood Art Retreat. If you have never attended an art retreat and are looking for a couple of days away - this is the retreat for you! With several talented teachers, you will immerse yourself in creativity and come home holding the key to your heart's next creative step! This picture, Believe In Your Beauty, is what I will be teaching there. Join me to learn how to create these luscious backgrounds, and to make a reminder for yourself that believing in your inner beauty is something to focus on every day! The first art retreat I attended changed my world. I had never even picked up a paintbrush - but I knew I wanted to try! So I took myself out to the retreat and learned HOW to do all of the lovely things I was drooling over on line and in art magazines. And along the way I collected a tribe of creative sisters who mean the world to me! Here are the details: April 17-19, The Abbey Resort in Lake Geneva, WI, Click Here for pricing details and to register! As an added bonus, Linda Barutha, creator of the retreat, has graciously written this guest post!! Read her unique journey towards developing retreats like this - and join us soon!!
Creative Strength: Honoring Your Inner Adventurer
Ever heard the saying “there’s strength in numbers?” I am one of those firm believers in the fact that alone time is great, but we as human beings are at our creative best when we are together in a group setting. [caption id="attachment_999" align="alignright" width="100"]