A Little Bout Love...
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Love is all around us. We see weddings, engagements, and anniversaries happening all of the time. People honoring their love with celebrations.
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Sometimes it is easy to overlook the love around us....to feel lonely. Sometimes it feels like everyone else has the love we desire. When that happens to me, I begin to look inside. I firmly believe that we have to have love inwardly for our own selves before we can love outwardly for someone else.
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When you love someone, you do make promises. And you create expectations. I have yet to figure out the secret of loving someone unconditionally, without expectations of what THEY will do for ME in exchange for my love. But I am working on it! I believe in the power of love. I believe that love can help create positive change. It can inspire people to be the best version of themselves possible. Love can change a person from the inside. I hope this brings a little love to your day!!
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