Introducing Angelina...
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Before I set off on my trip to Paris this fall I thought it would be a good idea to learn enough of the language to get around town. I was introduced to the lovely Llyane of J'Ouelette who does French lessons via Skype (super smart way to do it!!!). After the trip Llyane asked me to be a guest blogger on her site and to feature my art and to tell a story about my trip to Paris. Click here to read all about it...its a story of falling in love!!
This new painting, Angelina, was done while I was in Paris. I took some canvas paper and brushes with me, and bought some paint at a little art store next to the Louvre. I wandered the streets, painting here and there. I started the canvas in a Patisserie...worked more in it sitting on the banks of the Sienne...and finished it when I got home to my art studio. The name Angelina is from an amazing restaurant that I dined in while there, which I blogged about in this post. I love this takes me back to my wonderful trip and the amazing experience that it was. 8X10 Prints are for sale in my Etsy Store!