Trust Your Own Wisdom...
[caption id="attachment_1079" align="aligncenter" width="994"]
Trust Your Own Wisdom[/caption]
All too often we doubt our own self, our own intution, our own internal wisdom. We tend to think someone else will have the answers - and seek advice from friends, family, experts or gurus. It's so easy to just assume that we don't know the next step or the right answer. But we do.
Real wisdom comes from deep inside. It is a mix of the experiences and knowledge that we have gained along the way. It's not always easy to trust it - in fact it is much easier to look for answers outside of ourselves. Often times that is simply so that we have someone else or something else to blame if things don't go right.
When I need to know an answer or determine a direction - when I am unsure of my next step - I find a quiet space and simply sit with the idea or question. I let it roll around in my mind. Perhaps I will meditate, or maybe journal. When I hear an answer, sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. But I always know that I can trust it.
This painting is a lovely reminder that all of the answers are found right inside of you - its time to trust your own wisdom!