Getting Excited About Surtex!

Marketing Postcard It's less than two weeks away - the largest Art Licensing Trade Show of the year - Surtex!!  I will be packing my bags and heading to the Big Apple to see if any of my designs would be a good fit to go on products you might find in the store.  This marketing piece I did above shows you how some of my designs might be used - from bathroom products to baby clothes! I will be debuting a new line there - The Delicious Line.  It's full of fabulous food!  I will also be bringing designs from the Body Fab-YOU-lous Line and my personal favorite, the Paris Line.  Wish me luck!  Who knows - in a few months you might find a purse or a kitchen towel or a make up bag from Just Mary Designs sitting on the shelf of a store near you!!

Sisterhood Is Timeless

Sisterhood Is Timeless Sisterhood Is Timeless

Sisterhood Is Timeless. No matter how old you get, or how far apart your lives take you, a sister is always there in your heart.  I have two incredible sisters - one in Chicago and one Boston.  Many miles separate us, but the ties of sisterhood run deep and strong.  I have learned incredible courage and resilience from my sister who battled cancer and won.  I have learned to open my heart to a new level of spirituality and inner growth from my sister who demonstrates living that way in her every day life.  And I hope that they have learned something from me.  As little girls we played together, fought with each other and grew into our individual selves.  As adults we developed our own families, pursued meaningful work, and grew to appreciate each others individuality.  As sisters, we will forever be tied together in our hearts. I hope this piece inspires the nostalgia of the older days combined with the vibrant color of today's life. May it remind you and your sisters of the love you carry for each other through the years.

It's A Surtex Blog Hop - Under the Sea!

The Surtex Show

The Surtex Show

A while back I had a crazy idea…. what if my art could be used on different products?  Could my paintings look good on a purse, or a tea towel, or a wall hanging?  What about a picture frame, or stationery, or a journal cover?  Would it ever be possible to have my designs leap off of the canvas and onto something sold in a store?  What if…..   And then I heard about Surtex.  Surtex is one of the largest (if not THE largest) expo for art licensing.  Art licensing is the pathway to having your art land on a product manufactured by a company and eventually purchased by someone in a store.  As I began to investigate the world of art licensing, Surtex kept popping up over and over and over.  So I decided to take a closer look.

My Little Seahorse Icon

My Little Seahorse Icon

Now let me tell you, Surtex is a pretty big deal in the art licensing world.  And it is quite expensive to be one of the several hundred artists exhibiting - all vying for the attention of some 7000 buyers who will pass through.  I am not someone easily intimidated by a new adventure, but navigating the world of Surtex was quite overwhelming…. not to mention expensive.  I began to consider the idea of collaborating with other artists who were like me - interested in testing the Surtex waters.  Lo and behold, into my universe popped an incredible group called the Cultivate Art Collective.  This collective started with a lot of like minded talented artists who were interested in the art licensing world.  And 10 of us took the plunge together and registered to exhibit as a collective at the 2014 Surtex show - May 18-20 in New York City!  I found my Surtex tribe - and wowza - these ladies rock! An example of a Surtex Booth An example of a Surtex Booth[/caption] Amidst the pre show flurry of creating lots of fresh new art for the show, we have been working together to build our brand for the big show.  Together, we are doing a fun blog hop today!  We chose a“Sea” theme to be interpreted, re-imaginedMy Crab Icon

My Crab Icon

and beautifully designed by each artist to showcase their unique vision and creative talents.  Our Blog Hop is a collaboration of these 10 diverse artists from the collective who will be exhibiting together at Surtex May 18- 20, 2014.  So after you have checked out my Sea Themed Art please keep the Blog Hop Hopping and scroll down to the bottom of the post to find links to the other 9 fabulous artists! I hope you enjoy swimming through some lovely designs.  And wish me luck at my Surtex adventure - I hope my art makes a *SPLASH*!!!

My Starfish Icon My Starfish Icon

Stunningly Strange by Kaitlin Goodey RiztyDesign Diane Hunt Studio Margaret Applin Designs Tatyana Starikova jami darwin Robo Roku Aileen Tu Design Rachelle Panagarry blog hop

My First Art Show!

Ready for a show! Ready for a show!

November 1st marked a momentous occasion for me - my first Art Show!  Here is my story….and the amazing lesson I learned from it! IMG_1466   About 6 months ago I took some space in the Benson Building - a fantastic older building in downtown Sioux City.  There are 9 artists with studio space there - and each fall and spring they band together to do a group show, the Benson Burner. The Body Fab-YOU-lous Collection The Body Fab-YOU-lous Collection[/caption] I spent lots of time getting ready for the show, even recruiting a friend with gallery experience to help me group and hang the work!  (Thanks Amy R!)   Waiting in the wings to be finished! Waiting in the wings to be finished!

The big night finally arrived, and I was ready with some delicious food and lots of good wine! Yum and yum! Yum and yum!

I was very excited - over 300 people came thru the studio during the show.  What a thrilling experience for someone who first picked up a paintbrush three short years ago. Some of my early work Some of my early work[/caption] I sold 9 paintings during the show.  I wish their new owners continued beauty and that they bring you joy!One of my wall groupings One of my wall groupings

Here is what I learned from this show… anything is possible.  I've been a left brained numbers kind of girl for a very, very long time.  3 years ago I listened to the little whispers in my head that would talk to me while looking at art.  They whispers said "You could do that….you just don't know how."  So I learned how.  And I did it.  And if I can do it, anyone can.  It simply takes a willingness to listen, and a fearlessness to take some action.  You all have that in you.  I do - and it led me to an amazing art show and the faith that anything - ANYTHING! - is possible!Part of the Travel Collection Part of the Travel Collection

November 23, 2013 by Mary Sterk

Wine & Brushes....

Ever wanted to paint, but just not sure how to do it?  "Wine & Brushes" was just the ticket for these ladies and gentleman!Getting Ready for Class Getting Ready for Class

Held at the fabulous Indigo Palette, we gathered on a Sunday afternoon and painted while drinking wine - what could be better?!?!Believe In Your Beauty Click Here To Purchase Believe In Your Beauty

I took these students step by step thru a mixed media painting.  We used this canvas as a guide, and the students all created their own vision using their own special photographs. 

Students hard at work

Students hard at work

I showed them how to start with an intention in watercolor crayon underneath the first layer of paint.  We then experimented with laying paint on with a credit card and with a paint brush....playing with the color and seeing how it reacted to the water color crayon.            Painting away!

Painting away!

The group loved the saran wrap technique that creates fun and crazy texture.  Slowly we built up layers of paint and collage elements.  Everyone's canvas turned out different - and very beautifully!  These three were from a family who just added a new baby to their family! IMG_1007   These gals had a blast with their canvases....and look how lovely they came out! IMG_1008 IMG_1009   IMG_1015   I finished one up myself - and left the picture slot open so I can customize it for some lucky person.  If you have a photo that would look just perfect on here, click here to see how to set that up!Ready for your own photo! Ready for your own photo!

Wine & Brushes - a great time and super fun creative outlet for a wonderful group of people! A great group! A great group!

Trust Your Own Wisdom...

[caption id="attachment_1079" align="aligncenter" width="994"]Trust Your Own Wisdom Trust Your Own Wisdom[/caption]   All too often we doubt our own self, our own intution, our own internal wisdom. We tend to think someone else will have the answers - and seek advice from friends, family, experts or gurus.  It's so easy to just assume that we don't know the next step or the right answer.  But we do. Real wisdom comes from deep inside.  It is a mix of the experiences and knowledge that we have gained along the way.  It's not always easy to trust it - in fact it is much easier to look for answers outside of ourselves.  Often times that is simply so that we have someone else or something else to blame if things don't go right. When I need to know an answer or determine a direction - when I am unsure of my next step - I find a quiet space and simply sit with the idea or question.  I let it roll around in my mind.  Perhaps I will meditate, or maybe journal.  When I hear an answer, sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't.  But I always know that I can trust it. This painting is a lovely reminder that all of the answers are found right inside of you - its time to trust your own wisdom!

The Artist's Way....

I recently finished the book "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron.  A truly amazing book.  I read it within an online group - tackling one chapter a month for a year.  I learned so much about myself as an artist and what my artistic dreams are!

I learned that I want to paint in amazing places - and explore them for long periods of time!


I learned that the beauty of the female form moves me.

female form

I learned that music deeply resonates with me, and must always be a part of my life.


I learned that the sight of paint on my hands makes my heart thump.


I learned that running wild and free is of vital importance to me.


I learned that self connection is the key to all connection.


I learned that romance in my life is so very fun and energizing.


I learned to take little steps towards my big goals - layer by layer, piece by piece, I am building something amazing.

small steps

I learned that avoiding my studio means I am avoiding an emotional issue that I don't want to face.


I learned that creating with my hands is the same as connecting with my heart.

hands heart

She Is Becoming....

[caption id="attachment_1046" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]She Is Becoming She Is Becoming
Prints Available Here[/caption] She Is Becoming.... Every woman lives through her own transformational journey. She grows, she changes, she becomes the best version of herself.  I have been on my own journey - changing and developing as I find my way within the world of art and creativity.  Sometimes this change is welcome and joyful, and sometimes it is challenging and painful.  But I do believe that all change leads towards the life we are desiring.  Often the path there is twisty and turny and different than what we imagined, but the journey itself is filled with moments of exquisite love, happiness and enchantment. When this painting developed into a butterfly, I knew it would become a painting about change.  The day I added the woman in the center of it, I knew it would be about transformation.  I had so much fun selecting the words on this - thinking of all of the things a woman thinks about as she grows into herself.  She thinks about beauty, grace, and fashion.  She feel sexy, alluring, and bold.  Chic and sassy are part of her makeup - and stepping into her vibrancy is so empowering.  I also had fun playing with the title.  She is Becoming.... something new.  And the word becoming also means beautiful.  A fun and inspiring little play on words. I hope she inspires you as you become the best version of yourself on your own journey!    

Branching out.... into a new studio!

[caption id="attachment_1026" align="alignleft" width="300"]Getting Moved In Getting Moved In[/caption]   [caption id="attachment_1027" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Setting Up Shop Setting Up Shop[/caption]   I'm wildly excited about my new art studio!  I moved some of my art supplies in a few weeks ago, and spent a fantastic Friday night getting it organized.  It was so fun to bring in boxes of my things and slowly start transforming it into a working space. [caption id="attachment_1028" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Getting Organized[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1031" align="aligncenter" width="300"]A comfortable place to sit and read art books! A comfortable place to sit and read art books![/caption] [caption id="attachment_1030" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Oh yeah....blank canvases are like candy to an artist! Oh yeah....blank canvases are like candy to an artist![/caption] This space will give me the room to work BIG!  The studio in my home was not really conducive to working on large canvases - and now I have space to spread out and go large!  One of the first things I did was to hang up a triptych I have been working on to see how it would actually look side by side.  I was amazed that even in my former cramped corners I had still lined things up well for this project. [caption id="attachment_1029" align="aligncenter" width="300"]It's looking like it will work... It's looking like it will work...[/caption] A new piece has begun to take form.  I was hired by a woman from Connecticut to do a commissioned piece for her.  It is also a triptych...and I have had so much fun getting it started!  Can's wait to see how it turns out... [caption id="attachment_1033" align="aligncenter" width="554"]A new commission piece starting to form.... A new commission piece starting to form....[/caption] While I am letting one dry, I can turn around and add layers on another one.  So fun!  So free!! [caption id="attachment_1034" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Step One....Inks Step One....Inks[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1035" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Step 2.... Adding some acrylics Step 2.... Adding some acrylics[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1036" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Step 3.... having fun with circles Step 3.... having fun with circles[/caption]   In addition to having more space to paint, I am also thrilled to be a part of an artist community.  I am the 9th artist who has studio space in this building.  You can find samples of their work here!  I am very excited and honored to be among such talented artists!  

I'll Never Forget That I Love You

[caption id="attachment_1010" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]I'll Never Forget That I Love YouPrints Available Here I'll Never Forget That I Love You
Prints Available Here[/caption] "I'll Never Forget That I Love You" I was asked to create a piece for the upcoming Alzheimer's Association Wine & Chocolates Auction.  They told me their slogan for the night was "I'll never forget that I love you".  What powerful words.  I hope I did them justice. These eternal words inspired me to paint a piece depicting enduring love despite the loss of precious memories that are stolen when someone has Alzheimers. My goal with this painting was to convey the sharpness of the mind by altering the features in the face..... sharp features - sharp memories..... faded features - faded memories. I added words on her shirt to remind us that those with this disease may not be harshly suffering, they often have very tranquil hearts and light, flowering spirits. I have added letters, music & butterflies to the background. Letters and words are some of the first things a person learns. Every life has a score of beautiful music that winds through it's many stages and ages. Finally, the butterflies are there to show that as one stage of life ends, all of us may emerge into a new and lovely place where our soul can fly free. The softly blended heart between the two shows the love that is shared, now and forever. My hope is that this piece brings peace to your soul and a smile to your face while you remember the best part about loving your special someone who is challenged by Alzheimer's or Dementia.  Never forget that you love them.